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Unique Ways to Use Beams in Your Home

by Rachel Lyon, Editorial Director for The House Designers®

Perhaps you’ve been wowed by impressive truss systems or sturdy-looking support beams before—have you ever wondered how else you can add visually appealing beams to your house? Whether you’re limited by your overhead space or just looking for something different that brings the beauty closer to eye level, we have some design ideas to share. Decorative beams make it easy to install the wood look you want where you want it, so start dreaming of the possibilities!

Fypon Hand Hewn Beam Mantel

Those who want a proper mantel with simple, rustic style should consider a beam like this Hand Hewn one. It adds definition to the fireplace, creates a shelf, and gives a completely different ambiance than a traditional surround for those who want to step away from the norm.

Around the Fireplace

You can’t go wrong by highlighting the natural focal point of the room! Fireplaces draw attention on their own, and we decorate them all sorts of ways to ensure they don’t fall flat. If you want to create a formal feel, you’ve probably considered a carved stone or wood surround with pilasters, or legs, on the sides and a mantelpiece on top. These come in a variety of styles, but what if you need something simpler to complete your aesthetic? You can create a floating mantel with a beam! Decorative beams adapt well to this application because they’re lightweight and easy to install, and they give you plenty of design flexibility.

Decorative wood-look beams come in different profiles, so you can choose the right vibe for your space. Do you want something rough and rustic, or subtle and refined? All of them have been moulded from real pieces of wood, so you’ll get a lovely natural effect in any case! Look at the textures from all angles before making your decision—visually to make sure you like the woodgrain and recreated processing marks, and aesthetically to ensure it matches or pops in your design how you want it to. Remember, you can paint or stain decorative beams to customize the look no matter the profile.

Fypon Mesa Beams as Horizontal Decorative Supports

Why not install a dose of natural style somewhere unexpected? This unique barrel vaulted entry features horizontal decorative supports using Mesa beams in a two-tone pattern. What a cool way to emphasize height and add something more!

To Emphasize Architectural Features

Designs require balance—that’s why we don’t recommend filling blank spaces until the room is overwhelmed. Instead, consider building on what you already have. Like a dramatic vaulted ceiling can be complemented with a truss system, try dressing up other points of interest with beams. You can customize your interior design with minimal effort that results in maximum appeal!

Take stock of your home’s architectural assets. Maybe you have an entry porch or foyer in need of a lift? That’s right—decorative beams, with their nonporous polyurethane composition, are perfectly suitable for indoor and outdoor use. And there’s perhaps no more obvious focal point than the front door. You could also top windows, doorways, and cased entries with beams or use whole wood-look surrounds if you want to intersperse natural style throughout the interior. These are just a couple ideas—every home is different, and you may have a unique feature you can do something special with. Don’t be afraid to ask for design assistance!

Fypon Mesa Beam as Porch Lighting

Take a step away from the expected with a beam/light combo! This Mesa beam has been outfitted with wiring and bulbs so it doubles as a porch light. Faux beams like this are hollow, making projects like this simpler than you might think.

For a Functional Touch

If you want your design elements to serve a practical purpose as well, wood-look beams are up to the challenge. They adapt well because they’re easy to work with—not only are they significantly lighter than real wood, but they don’t require any special tools to trim to size and they offer end caps and beam tops to complete the illusion in different applications. So, would you like to build shelves into a nook, or put some floating shelving somewhere? How about creating a lighting element? You can add wiring and carve out holes for recessed lights, or wrap string lights around a beam to make a unique pendant. With such a versatile medium, you can really personalize your design.

Don’t forget to consider wood-look beams if you want to add some extra oomph to your home! Of course, if you also want to know more about the most common way homeowners incorporate beams into their houses, read our article, How to Design with Overhead Beams. No matter what you choose to do, check out the Woodgrain Beams available from Fypon®—in addition to a range of attractive profiles, they offer accessories like beam straps and plates to complete the look. Find a local dealer to learn more!



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