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Great Shopping Tips

Great Shopping Tips Before you go out and buy home or consumer electronic products, such as home theater components, appliances, computers and cell phones, you should check out some of these great shopping tips to help ease your shopping stress (especially during the holiday season) and help you select the right products for your new home.

  • Budget Wisely – It's an exciting time of year for discounts, but be cautious because many of the sale items are only offered as limited quantities, perhaps on certain days, or even during certain hours of a specific shopping day. Be sure to budget for additional expenses such as sales tax, delivery charges, and accessories that aren't included.
  • Do Your Own Product Research – If you are interested in home electronics, appliances and powered tools you should definitely do some thorough research on the internet and print out information on the products you are interested in purchasing. You should be able to easily find links to the manufacturer, product reviews and pricing guides to help narrow your search.
  • Read Promotions Carefully – Prices are especially appealing this time of year, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't read the fine print, especially when it comes to rebates and financial promotion ads. This is particularly true with home electronics where the sale price is based on a mail-in rebate, so you need to be prepared to pay the cost before the rebate.
  • Know Store Return Policies – Make sure you know exactly what the return policy is on the item you are purchasing especially if it is a discounted item. Most companies are very strict on their return policies.
  • Extended Service Plans – During these tough economic times we only want to spend the bare minimum, so buying a service plan or extended warranty isn't generally a consideration. What you should keep in mind, is that if you are buying any kind of electronics (computers, cell phones, home theater components and large appliances) it is a very good idea to take the time let the sales person explain the service plan and extended warranty.
  • Understand Online and Mail Orders – In the quest to find the right product at the right price and to save money on gas, many consumers are buying online, through mail order and shopping channels. Be sure to carefully read through the product, shipping and billing information before ordering, because it is a lot easier to place an order than to cancel one.
  • Buy Online – You'd be amazed at how much money you can save by shopping online. It not only saves your wallet, it saves lots of time while giving you a much bigger selection than going to a few different stores. Stores like Benches by the Bunches give you unlimited choices for benches for your foyer, mudroom, garden and more.

Whether you shop from the convenience of your own home or head out to the stores, be sure to leave with a full stomach and a positive attitude.



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