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Dishwashers There are many dishwasher options available these days. Most are very quiet regardless of the sound package you choose compared to older dishwashers. They have many new stylish appearances on the outside as well as additional usage features internally. The rack systems have become better researched and allow more flexibility on dish arrangements. Some dishwashers now have a third rack available specifically for baking sheets that in the past required hand washing.

With new computerized electronics in all but the bottom basic dishwasher of all brands, the efficiency is greatly increased. Dishwashers are now able to sense the amount of water and heat needed to more efficiently reduce waste. They can now even sense the level of cleaning required for the dishes.

The exteriors have also come a long way to look very stylish even with the lower cost machines. The controls are, on many machines, now provided on basic dishwasher packages, placed on the top edge of the door for a much sleeker look and easier viewing, setting, and use. Most all dishwashers are now considered tall tubs. They no longer have a separate toe panel on the bottom and will now blend right in with the kitchen cupboards, although you can still purchase some machines with the toe panel if you desire one.

You may worry that this will be an issue come time that the dishwasher may require servicing, but the lightweight simple installation of them will not cause a problem down the road for servicing unless you have customized a kitchen floor after the dishwasher is installed that it is higher than the bottom of the dishwasher. (This is a flooring note that you should consider, before installing your kitchen appliances). All dishwashers are standard size regardless of brand at this time. You can go to any local appliance dealer or online and print out dishwasher specifications of any built in dishwasher to learn the minimum and maximum height, width, and depth requirements.

When you are given the more expensive option of a stainless steel interior, don't let the salesperson persuade you with the myth of a stainless steel lining being better or higher class. In truth, the main reason that people choose stainless steel is based on the fact that in some areas, the water is very hard, notably high in sulfur, and is damaging to plastic in long term. If you are in an area with decent water or city water, the additional cost is not necessary. Stainless steel is actually harder to keep clean. There are products available if you just have trouble with iron staining or similar issues that you can drop in the dishwasher and run every couple months to easily remove this discoloration without scrubbing.

Depending on the additional features you choose for your dishwasher, expect to pay between $300 and $1500.



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