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Bathroom Flooring

You should consider safety before appearance as you choose the material for your bathroom flooring. There are different styles of flooring available to choose from.

This master bath is designed featuring rich cabinetry, marble countertops and earth toned tile.

Vinyl linoleum flooring will be easy to clean and maintain. It will last a minimum of twenty years.

Placing marble as the flooring surface will also be easy to clean and maintain, but will last indefinitely.

If tile is installed correctly, it will also last indefinitely with ease of cleaning and maintaining.

Laminated flooring takes a little more maintenance and will last at least for a decade.

Hardwood will require much maintenance, particularly around the base of the commode. However, if maintained properly, it's possible for it to last a lifetime.
Hardwood can create a wonderful appearance and stay warmer year round, and is commonly sold in oak and pine.

Carpet can last for some time, but not indefinitely. Although it feels nice to walk on and stays much warmer, a bathroom is a difficult place for carpet. Water wreaks havoc on carpet and will eventually cause odor and mildew. Throw rugs may be a better alternative for comfort and appearance on one of the options above.



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