Water Savings Calculator

Replacing your old toilet could make a big difference in your annual water bill. Select the number of people in your household below to see how much you’re saving.

Gallons Saved Annually Dollars Saved Annually
3.5 Gpf vs. 1.6 Gpf: 6,935 gal. 3.5 Gpf vs. 1.6 Gpf: $41.61
3.5 Gpf vs. 1.28 Gpf: 8,103 gal. 3.5 Gpf vs. 1.28 Gpf: $48.62
3.5 Gpf vs. 1.0 Gpf: 9,125 gal. 3.5 Gpf vs. 1.0 Gpf: $54.75


  • Number of flushes per person : about 5 per day
  • Old toilets (prior to 1993): use 3.5 gallons per flush
  • Low consumption toilets (after 1994): use 1.6 gallons per flush
  • High-Efficiency Toilets (HET’s): use 1.28 or 1.0 gallons per flush