I don’t think I have ever coveted a house more than I do Clarice Willow’s cabin house in Caprica. Imagine my surprise when I later found out that not only was the cabin real but it had been used by the Syfy Network as Colonel Jack O’Neil’s fishing cabin in Stargate SG-1. The real life cabin is located in Vancouver, British Columbia and is known as the Murdo Park Caretaker’s cabin.

In addition to appearances in Caprica and Stargate SG-1 this cabin house has also appeared in Eureka, Supernatural, Fringe, and most recently Once Upon a Time as Mr. Gold’s Cabin. I am not entirely sure what it is about this cabin that attracts me to it but its log cabin exterior looks so cozy. Sadly I will probably never get to own this cabin. However, if I ever get the opportunity, I could find a few other log cabins that I would like to stay in.
While it might not be possible to live in the cabin that has been featured in so many television shows, it is possible to have a similar home. Browsing through the log cabin house plan collection from The House Designers assures that you will find the perfect cabin for your dream vacation, or primary home.
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