Small, Stylish & Green Home Plans

In honor of Earth Day, we have assembled a collection of small ENERGY STAR®/Green house plans, which are all designed with the same features and amenities of a much larger plan, but without the high cost to build and operate. Now is a great time to think about how green your home “really” is and […]

Think Green on St. Patrick’s Day

Today is a day to pull out all the stops to celebrate all things Irish by eating, drinking and getting together with family and friends for the festivities. The commercial aspect of St. Patrick’s Day has not been lost on businesses either, who find creative ways to link their products to the color green. While […]

Great ENERGY STAR® house plans

Our ENERGY STAR® and green home plans have all been selected from our best-selling collections and architectural styles, which include everything from tiny house plans, country home plans, fabulous kitchens to luxury one story and two story house plans. Our ENERGY STAR® house plans have a wide range of energy saving elements that can help […]

FREE Home Building Guide

What a nice email I received this morning from The House Designers – it was a link for a FREE download of their Home Building Guide. This full color 34-page booklet came with 10 great articles about everything from the latest kitchen styles to building an eco-friendly home. I really liked all the worksheet organizers, […]

Top Water Saving Tips

Even though 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by water, less than 1% is suitable for drinking. It is important to conserve this natural resource by practicing moderation and installing water-efficient products in your home. Here are some helpful tips and practices so you can save water and live green: 1. Using toilets with […]

What Makes A Home Green

Green building means designing, sitting and constructing a home as well as improving the way that homes use energy, water, and materials to provide a healthy living environment. Our architects and designers make it their priority to embrace sustainable building practices and the use of eco-friendly products and materials whenever possible, which is why all […]

The Benefits of Building Green

As consumers continue to learn more and more about green building, architects, designers and builders are starting to incorporate more green features into their new homes. Thanks to new technology and products, consumers can build their dream home without sacrificing aesthetics. Even though everyone in the home building industry is buzzing about the term ‘green’ […]

Top Tips for a Healthier Home

You can learn to live green by adopting new habits and ideas that not only reduce the impact our lifestyles have on our planet, but create a healthier home environment. Here are some easy tips for living green in your new home: Use ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are far more energy efficient, economical, and quieter […]

Tips For Living Eco-Friendly

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is beneficial to the environment and to your health. Even simple steps will not only reduce the causes of global warming and pollution, but will save money and create a healthier home environment for you and your family. Modern conveniences, which are designed to make life easier, often heat up the […]

Exclusive Collection of Green House Plans

The House Designers and ENERGY STAR® have partnered to offer consumers an exclusive collection of Green House Plans, which have all been awarded the “Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR®” credentials to promote green home building. All ENERGY STAR® house plans include energy-efficient details and specifications for features such as tight construction and duct systems […]