Small, Stylish & Green Home Plans

In honor of Earth Day, we have assembled a collection of small ENERGY STAR®/Green house plans, which are all designed with the same features and amenities of a much larger plan, but without the high cost to build and operate. Now is a great time to think about how green your home “really” is and […]

Editor’s Top 10 Green Products 2009

The editorial staff of The House Designers has spent several months working with their architects, designers and builders to find out what green building products they would recommend to consumers looking to build their dream home. Here is our list of Top 10 Green Home Building Products for 2009 based on performance, innovation and design: […]

Interest Grows for Building Green

Interest in building an energy-draining dream home that comes with high costs and wasteful space is fast becoming a thing of the past. Today’s homeowners are very savvy about energy-efficiency and economics. The economy has swiftly changed us from excessive pampering to practical living. Helping to make that road easier are architects and designers, builders […]