Interest Grows for Building Green

Interest in building an energy-draining dream home that comes with high costs and wasteful space is fast becoming a thing of the past. Today’s homeowners are very savvy about energy-efficiency and economics. The economy has swiftly changed us from excessive pampering to practical living. Helping to make that road easier are architects and designers, builders […]

Enclosing Your New Home

Our latest issue of Home Ideas features an article on how to enclose your home with energy-efficient windows and learning about sustainable roofing options. You’ll learn how to heat and cool and your home naturally by choosing the right windows, choosing the right home design and orienting your home properly on your building site. When […]

Benefits of Building A Green Home

Interest in building an energy-draining dream home that comes with high costs and wasteful space is fast becoming a thing of the past. Today’s homeowners are very savvy about energy-efficiency and economics. The economy has swiftly changed us from excessive pampering to practical living. Helping to make that road easier are architects and designers, builders […]

Top Tips for a Healthier Home

You can learn to live green by adopting new habits and ideas that not only reduce the impact our lifestyles have on our planet, but create a healthier home environment. Here are some easy tips for living green in your new home: Use ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are far more energy efficient, economical, and quieter […]

Step-by-Step Home Building Guide

There’s nothing more exciting than building a new home, because you’re in charge. From selecting the lot to choosing your home design to picking out all the products that go into your new home – the process can be overwhelming, but ultimately rewarding when you walk through you new dream home for the first time. […]

Consumers Crave Green Kitchen

If you’re craving a green kitchen, you’ll want to begin by choosing the main course – appliances, cabinets, countertops, flooring and lighting. Unlike the old days, when only the mom’s were in the kitchen cooking in a rather small tucked away space, today’s modern kitchen has all the trimmings to make it a great place […]

Tips For Living Eco-Friendly

Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is beneficial to the environment and to your health. Even simple steps will not only reduce the causes of global warming and pollution, but will save money and create a healthier home environment for you and your family. Modern conveniences, which are designed to make life easier, often heat up the […]