Pros and Cons of Eco-Friendly Paint

Most people today recognize that the need to take care of the earth is greater than ever before. People are buying more fuel efficient automobiles and switching to longer-lasting, energy saving light bulbs. As home owners complete improvements, they are finding more options available for creating an earth-friendly house. Specifically, there are more choices when […]

Green Options for an Eco-Friendly Kitchen

Kitchens that were designed and built in the past have created large carbon footprints and were unhealthy for those living in the home. Today, more and more homeowners are choosing to remodel their kitchens, the most used room in the home, while including many green alternatives to keep both the planet and their families healthy. […]

What Are Eco-Friendly Paints?

If you have ever painted a room and consequently, felt nauseous from the fumes, then you have already experienced one reason why there is a need for eco-friendly paints. Think about what those fumes could, and probably are, doing to your body. Then, consider what the paint does to the planet when it is eventually […]

Exclusive Collection of Green House Plans

The House Designers and ENERGY STAR® have partnered to offer consumers an exclusive collection of Green House Plans, which have all been awarded the “Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR®” credentials to promote green home building. All ENERGY STAR® house plans include energy-efficient details and specifications for features such as tight construction and duct systems […]