Green building means designing, sitting and constructing a home as well as improving the way that homes use energy, water, and materials to provide a healthy living environment. Our architects and designers make it their priority to embrace sustainable building practices and the use of eco-friendly products and materials whenever possible, which is why all […]
ENERGY STAR house plans
Enclosing Your New Home
Our latest issue of Home Ideas features an article on how to enclose your home with energy-efficient windows and learning about sustainable roofing options. You’ll learn how to heat and cool and your home naturally by choosing the right windows, choosing the right home design and orienting your home properly on your building site. When […]
Top Tips for a Healthier Home
You can learn to live green by adopting new habits and ideas that not only reduce the impact our lifestyles have on our planet, but create a healthier home environment. Here are some easy tips for living green in your new home: Use ceiling fans. Ceiling fans are far more energy efficient, economical, and quieter […]
Small, Stylish & Affordable Designs
Whether you are looking for a cozy two-story craftsman with wrap-around porch or a simple ranch, we offer a wide selection of affordable and small house plans to accommodate your preferences and needs so you can build your dream home with out sacrificing amenities and style. Most of our small plans range between 1500 to […]
Interest Builds for Green Homes
Consumers interest in being green continues to grow, particularly when it comes to home products. Not only are the latest eco-friendly home products good for the environment, but they look great and work great. From energy-efficient light bulbs to solar-paneled roofs, consumers continue to gravitate to green products when building their new home, thanks in […]