Fall in Love with These New England Homes

Fall is starting to make itself known and as the weather gets chilly we are thinking about New England style homes.  New England architecture reflects an entire history of American architecture. From beautiful colonial homes inspired by historic designs to inviting farmhouses with sprawling porches New England homes have a charm all their own that […]

Three Beautiful Colonial House Plans

It’s President’s Week and we are thinking about historical house plans here at The House Designers.  The term colonial house plans refers to house plans that are either authentic or derived from the Colonial period in America. Colonial architecture in America was influenced by England and Europe and these house plans vary widely in terms […]

Three Inspiring Colonial House Plans

Our history professors taught us about the Colonial period in school but rarely did they touch upon Colonial architecture. When Colonial is used in conjunction with a house plans it refers to home that is authentic or derived from the Colonial period in America. The architecture of the Colonial period was influenced by several styles […]