Helpful Tips for Painting Your Home

You’ve selected your house plan and built your home and now you have the task of painting the exterior. While not extremely difficult, painting your house does take time. So how to keep your exterior paint job on the right track and looking great? Here are a few tips to make painting your home go a little bit smoother.

Work with Mother Nature

Obviously paint does not dry instantly. It needs time to cure, and while it is curing rain is its enemy. Also it shouldn’t be intensely humid out because the humidity can get under your paint and cause it to bubble as it cures. With this in mind, autumn is one of the best times to paint since it is not too humid or rainy.

The Mayberry house plan’s beautiful light brown color compliments the dark shingles and white railings, lending a pleasant visual presentation. Landscaped with manicured green shrubs this house looks expertly polished. View more homes like the Mayberry house plan in the country house plan collection or southern house plan collection.

Wash It, Sand It

Not only will a clean surface look better but it will also take paint better.  Power washing your house will remove any dirt and mildew, and sanding will give the surfaces traction for the new paint.  A light all-over sanding will greatly aid paint adhesion and make your paint job look ten times better, and make it longer-lasting.

Apply Quality Primer

Before you think about applying your paint, you must first apply a coat of good quality primer.  Primer readies your surface to take paint by sealing the wood or old paint, and providing an anchor for the finish coats.


The Wharton house plan takes a different approach to color. Instead of using white or beige, it uses a green tint that is different but still pleasing. As consumers have gained more confidence with different colors, paint companies have been making a wider array of colors available, like this one.

Quality Trumps Price

Invest in a high-quality latex paint.  It might be tempting to go for a paint that doesn’t cost as much but you are much more likely to get a good return on investment with a more expensive paint that is sun and weather resistant.

On average, painting the exterior of your home will take about sixty hours.  Making sure you follow the right procedure and have the right tools to do the job are very important aspects of the job.  One thing is certain—with the right paint palette, any home or house plan can come to life with a fresh, coordinated coat of paint.  Take a look at some of the bestselling house plans from The House Designers for more inspiration on how to paint your home.

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