I finally found the perfect house plan on your website, plan 6881. There were lots of things I was looking for in my new home, but a really awesome laundry room was at the top of my list as strange as that may sound. In our first home the laundry room was in the basement and a complete pain to get to. In our second home, the laundry was on the main floor but in a little closet off the kitchen with no storage room. I was looking for a really cool laundry room, just not a space, but a place where I could iron and store items. I’m sick of losing socks and feeling like the maid. We’re breaking ground before the snow comes, and by the beginning of next summer we should be all moved in. I’ll send you pictures of my decked out laundry room when it’s finished!

- Great Laundry Room Design - October 26, 2009
- Small Bathrooms Can Be Tricky - October 15, 2009
- Builder Finds Tiny House Plan Collection - September 15, 2009