Enclosing Your New Home

Our latest issue of Home Ideas features an article on how to enclose your home with energy-efficient windows and learning about sustainable roofing options.

You’ll learn how to heat and cool and your home naturally by choosing the right windows, choosing the right home design and orienting your home properly on your building site.

When it comes time to choosing a new roof, some key considerations are the type of material, style, color and of course, cost. There are many different types of roofing materials available now, including a lot of roofing materials that have a variety of green attributes, such as being ENERGY STAR rated or containing recycled content.

See why are architects and designers recommend using roofing systems by Owens Corning and how the Artisan Series windows by AMSCO windows can give your home a beautiful and unique look.

Christine Cooney
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Christine has over a decade of experience as a house plan and floor plan expert. Outside of providing her expertise to customers to help them find and build their dream homes, her passion and knowledge of the home building industry allows Christine to guide families and builders through all of the important steps from finding plans to building custom homes that meet the expectations of today’s new home owner. Christine’s years of knowledge of the diverse trends and needs of the modern homeowner has made her into an authoritative and trusted voice in the online house plan community..