Companies utilizing Cash for Appliances

With consumers expected to spend millions of dollars on new refrigerators and dishwashers as part of the “Cash for Appliances” state-federal rebate program, manufactures like Whirlpool have busily been building an online tool to make it easier for consumers to apply for rebates.

Whirlpool has launched a rebate finder tool for its Whirlpool, Maytag and KitchenAid brands, where consumers can enter the zip code and appliance type at the to learn the amount of applicable state rebates available. The rebate finder also scrolls the Web for utility rebate programs, where applicable.

The federal government is kicking in $300 million for states to disburse as part of the energy efficiency upgrade program, which came about after the Cash for Clunkers car rebate program. Also check out EcoRebates, a cool site designed to help consumers find rebates.

Even house plan websites like The House Designers are doing their part to share valuable coupons and rebates for home building products. The House Designers are the only house plan company to sell exclusive ENERGY STAR/Green House Plans.

Christine Cooney
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Christine has over a decade of experience as a house plan and floor plan expert. Outside of providing her expertise to customers to help them find and build their dream homes, her passion and knowledge of the home building industry allows Christine to guide families and builders through all of the important steps from finding plans to building custom homes that meet the expectations of today’s new home owner. Christine’s years of knowledge of the diverse trends and needs of the modern homeowner has made her into an authoritative and trusted voice in the online house plan community..