Benefits of a Daylight Basement

In your search for the perfect house plan you may have come across the words ‘daylight basement’ and you might wonder just what a daylight basement is.  A daylight basement is also referred to as a walk-out basement.  The main difference between a regular basement and a daylight basement is that a daylight basement has […]

Helpful Tips for Painting Your Home

You’ve selected your house plan and built your home and now you have the task of painting the exterior. While not extremely difficult, painting your house does take time. So how to keep your exterior paint job on the right track and looking great? Here are a few tips to make painting your home go […]

Top Three Farm House Plans

I’ve always had a vivid imagination, and one dream has always fascinated me is a version of my life in which I live and work on a tulip farm in Holland. In this alternate reality, I can see my house, and the fields striped with buds of colorful tulips and the houses are personified in […]

Five Benefits of Solar Energy

There’s been a lot of talk these days about renewable energy, and one of most obvious sources that people have been turning to is right above our heads. Going solar with panels for electricity and hot water will harness the energy but is a solar system really worth installing? Will you see a return on […]

Builders Constructing Homes for Generation Y

June is National Homeownership Month and earlier this month the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) released a statement assuring young, first-time buyers that now is the time to buy a home. You might remember our post detailing how Baby Boomers were influencing the housing market, and although they certainly are, it’s clear that ‘Generation […]

Why Consumers Can Afford To Build a New Home

Recently the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) released a statement regarding a study they did comparing homes built before 1960 with homes built after 2008 showing home buyers why they can afford a higher priced home —particularly one that is newly constructed from stock house plans. Putting together data from the Census Bureau and […]

Doghouses of the Rich and Famous

Last August I adopted a Daug. Yes, a Daug—the name given to the adorable Dachshund/Pug mix. Since then I have spoiled her. She follows me around, loves to ride in the car and spends most of her day lounging in my bed or nesting on my couch. She’s got it pretty good, right? I recently […]

Top 3 Kitchen Trends for 2013

When selecting your house plans, the kitchen is a place to invest your money and where families spend a lot of their time. Unlike other rooms in your house, the kitchen is the room that has to stand the test of time. On February 19th, 2013 the National Kitchen and Bath Association released a list […]

Top Three Green House Plans

It’s the time of year when green begins to appear in the landscape and in the shops, but while you put on your bit of green for St. Patrick’s Day there are other ways you can be green too.  Shopping for green house plans is one of many ways that you can help the environment and […]

Daylight Savings Time All Year Long?

It’s that time of year again.  Twice a year we change our clocks in accordance with Daylight Savings Time.  On March 10th, we will once again switch our clocks an hour earlier so that we can spend more time in the daylight and less time in the dark. How nice will it be to walk out of […]